How Do You Choose an Insulated Garage Door for your Business?

Manufacturers of garage 91¶ÌÊÓƵuse a rating system referred to as “R-value†to tell how much insulation each door is providing. The R-value tells the effectiveness of the door’s ability to stop heat flow through insulation. If the R-value is high, the insulation is more effective, and if the R-value is low, the insulation is not as effective. R-values can fluctuate depending on the manufacturer, but it is still a good way to judge how effective the insulation will be.

Our technicians at 91¶ÌÊÓƵcan work with you to find the insulated garage door that is best suited for your business. We can determine the material that will provide the best R-value for your building. If you’re unsure of anything, we can help to choose the right door for your business.

Garage 91¶ÌÊÓƵare typically insulated using layers of polystyrene, which is also known as Styrofoam. The density of Styrofoam varies, and the denser it is, the more insulation it can provide. Garage 91¶ÌÊÓƵinsulated using polystyrene are typically quieter to operate and are more energy-efficient than ones that are not insulated.

Doors with the highest R-values typically use polyurethane in between layers of steel. Polyurethane is a liquid Styrofoam used to seal windows and doors, and it flows into all the nooks and crannies and expands to fill the whole space. Polyurethane insulated 91¶ÌÊÓƵare more energy-efficient than those that use polystyrene. A door can be increased in thickness to increase insulation as well.

Finding What’s Right for You

While it can seem overwhelming when searching for a good, insulated garage door for your business, 91¶ÌÊÓƵcan help. Knowing where to start can be the most difficult part, especially if you’re not an expert in garage 91¶ÌÊÓƵand insulation. You can start by asking yourself the following questions:
What will be my door’s use?
Insulated 91¶ÌÊÓƵprovide better protection from wind gusts and are superior in energy efficiency. However, there are certain circumstances where one door is a better option than another. For example, you may be looking for an all-glass door for your restaurant that retracts to reveal an outdoor patio. Or you’re looking for a sturdy door for your warehouse. It’s important to consider what and how your door needs to be used. By determining its use, you can better understand what kind of garage door will be needed.
How often is the door used?
How often your door is used will be a major factor when determining which insulated garage door will be the best for you and your business. If your garage door isn’t opened and used often, then you should consider a door with a high R-value. The door will essentially be acting as a wall. If your door will be used often and constantly opened, then the R-value is not as important. If you plan to be using the door often, some options will make it easier for constant, everyday use.
Is your business a higher security risk?
If you have a warehouse, it’s a magnet for thieves, but investing in a strong, insulated overhead door could be the key to theft protection. We also offer insulated 91¶ÌÊÓƵthat are impact-resistant in addition to having a stronger core, which can repel cars that try to ram your doors.
What is the weather like in the area?
Weather is a huge factor to consider when searching for a garage door. The garage door will be experiencing the elements head-on, so you want it to withstand anything that the area may throw at it. The winters in Indiana can be brutally cold and snowy, so you want your insulated garage door to protect your business from that brutality. If you live in an area with high winds and have large door openings, buying a wind-resistant door will be well worth the investment. Doors that are not insulated often shake and bend in high winds, sometimes resulting in permanent damage. Doors designed to handle the wind are built with a web of reinforcing supports that stand up to whatever mother nature can throw at it.
Is the area prone to wildfires?
A garage door is often the entry point for a fire to enter the building. With heat and fire-resistant overhead doors, combined with the masonry construction of your building, the damage can be minimized if you’re in an area that experiences wildfires.
How important is temperature control in your building?
For many businesses, keeping an optimal temperature is critical for the integrity of stored products. Whether you need to keep products cool or you need to keep heat from escaping, or you want to control your energy bills as much as possible, insulated 91¶ÌÊÓƵare a must.

Insulated Commercial Garage Doors from Garage Doors of Indianapolis

91¶ÌÊÓƵoffers installation and repair of commercial garage doors. Our installation technicians can install virtually every commercial door that’s manufactured. You can call in the morning for service to be done that day for repair services. We have a deep commitment to excellence in customer service, rapid response, and competitive pricing.

You can contact us for more information on our specific insulated garage door products so we can get started on finding you the perfect insulated commercial garage door. We know how important a garage door can be to your business, so you can trust us to get the job done right. Get in touch with us today for a free, no-obligation estimate by calling us at 317-860-0806 or filling out the form on the contact page of our website for commercial service requests.